How often do you think that people around you have been an inspiration?. How often have they allowed or stopped you from being a follower of their habits, activities and interests?. Have you ever felt that you love to follow the paths taken by these influential people ?. Here, by the word influential, I mean someone who almost live every moment in your thoughts, that you tend to get lost or fight to strike a balance between your interests and prejudice. It is this craving that I have, which takes me to them, even though they aren't the badged influential personalities. There are always situations, when the person sitting next to you doesn't always show the rigor to express themselves. A muted, malnourished neighbor, indeed. Don't hesitate to invite or offer. Take a call at any place and you would have already crossed the stage of a neo-experimentalist. Obviously to start valuable sharing, each one of us take time depending upon the degree of comfort that builds over a period of time in a relationship. But nevertheless, these influential people are those who have never felt themselves lonely, even though, they pretty much live by themselves, alone in a room all their life. They don't expect others to allocate a space for them selves. Ironically, they often dwell & ebb out an immediate predisposition to open the chatter box. Unimaginably straight forward and sensibly modest, they embody their own soul. But inertly cautious, they don't just talk, but also listen and propel others who are supposedly reticent. Certainly, they bring about a change in the way the conversation unfolds. I have spoken with a lot of people who claim that they have shared things with me that they haven't with any one else. I was curious to understand these triggering responses that arouse or push people to go to the next level of revealing their identity for their own good and will. So what exactly are these questions that crack the egg and give way for exploring the unknown lands?. A thought provoking context that draws insight into personal exploration and development indeed. Sometimes I feel too enervated to talk about the past of people. So I start the ignition with a few starters like what do you do? What are your plans? Do you miss home? and etc. A few of them sound very excited and say they are a consultant or a dentist or a chuba player. Whilst, a few sound normal and start to think of the answers that they might probably shoot before, even trying to figure out the level of intensity of the question. And by the time they think with a bleak eye followed by a shattered response patterns in their answers, I would be able to figure out that there is a connection to the past, which they wouldn't want to think or talk about. Time flies. Now they are sitting in my living room having a cup of black coffee with cream bun and say they were tore apart a few years back. Honestly, if you ever bother or show sincerity in knowing about people's life, you probably have more chances of sharing their best and worst parts in a very short span of time. Now the interesting phenomenon in this context is how you squeeze the time to know someone better, than when you had met them during your first glances. If they ever had a past which was quiet disturbing or remorseful, they would probably start expressing themselves at a rapid pace than you expected them to do so. Which means they aren't bothered about who you are or what is the relationship that you have in current-time with them and so on. "Identity becomes less important and unnecessary, if you want to add value to your relationships." In a way, disclosing isn't that bad, when you have absolutely no means for expressing yourself. The point here is you expressed and you feel relieved about that, no matter with whom you shared it, even though it could be someone whom you have met a week back in a CD shop or a library. Realistic as it sounds, grieved people don't really bother about sharing things with an acquaintance. It is because it is a safe venting opportunity. Also from the perspective of the acquainted, it doesn't matter whether you are happy or sad or lost, all that matters is you have got someone who listened to you in first place and especially true if you haven't had a chance to share a particular thing with others whom you might consider as friends or family. Well, they also don't expect you to offer some advise and all that they seek is to get an attention. When you reach mid-twenties, you obviously would have got the resistance and immunity towards handling your own psyche with ease. Partly because of the experience you have had with the people in your past. So how does this experience translate your actions in a relationship? is a trickiest thing to handle. With my observation on people, often they would show interest in talking about the past, if they were successful in all the areas of life such as profession, love and money etc. And now I dig deeper into these areas and find out that almost everyone gets a 2 out of 3 meaning that either profession and love was fine, but they haven't created financial freedom or they had a severe break-up which ate two years of their teens, whilst they managed to become a physician or an engineer or they hated the job but they had a wonderful family and had a lucrative bank account at the end of the day. So when I think about the fact that I wish to meet someone who says "You screwed up bloke!, I got a 3 on 3 in your questionnaire and why the hell are you even writing this blog?", I can only say that I haven't met someone who really said thing anything close to that. Well, many of us would have had a 3, but probably didn't want to talk about it because we are contented with what is available in our hands or the mark of 3 wasn't consistent enough all through our life. "I wonder the interesting lesson that experience has to teach you is to show how others fight for and against their own experience." Often you don't need to fight for an experience, because it has to happen and even if you are still, it would show up one day, but there are times when you have to fight against them, when you supposedly landed on a hideous one. Nevertheless, life would be boring without making you sit back on a chair to talk about the factor of experiences. It is through the similar life stories, life patterns and grave feelings of others that you make your experience seem a little weak and fainted. There is a need to replenish your focus on experience. Many of these things that you hear are not random, because they happen around you, to every one, because they somehow happen to you at a time, when you felt a need for an auditive consolation, they bring meaning to your vision about life. The more people you meet, the more conscious you become. The more you look at them, you prove to become strong. "The more you talk to them, you are becoming an unique experience to yourself, which is a wonderful virtue that you would love to cultivate." Keep listening and meeting.
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